Mortgage calculators
Get a clearer picture of your financial situation at the click of a button with the use of these finance calculators. Calculate your loan repayments, compare loans, work out your borrowing power and more.
Borrowing Power Calculator
Get an instant estimate of how much you can borrow for your home loan with this Borrowing Power Calculator. Then call us to match your situation with a suitable lender. - Repayment Calculator
Calculate how much your home loan repayments will be by comparing options such as fortnightly rather than monthly repayments, different interest rates and length of loan. - Extra loan repayment calculator
Find out the impact that extra repayments has on the loan term and and interest saved. - Budget Planner
We recommend all of our clients utilize a budgeting tool to understand their finances. This comprehensive tool allows you to effectively manage your finances. Save the document as an excel spreadsheet to update when your situation changes. - Stamp Duty Calculator
Check stamp duty fees and government charges applicable to your state. - Loan Comparison Calculator
Compare the repayment and costs for two loan types. Use the calculator to check the benefit of refinancing your loan – our post about refinancing will provide some tips. - Leasing Calculator
Estimate the repayment for a motor vehicle or equipment lease. - Savings Calculator
Find out how much you need to save periodically for your next big purchase. - Property Buying and Selling Costs
Contact us for an obligation free discussion as there are always variables which you may not have thought of, including First Home Buyer Benefits .
Contact us today to discuss your financial situation and borrowing capacity.