Nearly half of all homeowners have never thought to refinance! Are you one of them?
We understand that your home loan is usually the largest financial commitment and interest rates can impact how long it takes you to repay your loan. Switching loans may costs you early exit fees, on top of other required fees, BUT it could also possibly save you thousands.
How will you know?
How will you compare?
Give us a call and we’ll do the hard work for you! Our aim is to find out if the cost of switching loans is worth the potential interest rate saving!
We will:
Shop around for you
– Research our panel of lenders and apply your current financial needs
– Negotiate (on your behalf) a discount below the listed rate, especially if you have a larger loan)
Research the potential savings
– Calculate the fess you will be charged
– Show you how long it will be before you start making savings from switching
– Compare the minimum repayments of potential new loans
Compare home loan features against your existing loan
– Ability to make additional repayments
– Eligibility for offset accounts
– Ability to access advanced funds through a redraw facility
Note: you may pay more for a premium package which includes the above features, however it is important to research these fees and determine if it is worth the extra expense
You decide, then we help you take action
We will present the options and potential savings including the differences in features of the loans
If you decide you would be better off switching loans, then let’s take action together!
Contact us today for an obligation free conversation about your financial circumstances.