Raising Money Savvy Kids – 5 tips

calendar January 28 2016

Raising money savvy kids
Helping your kids to get a home loan can start at an early age.

We have previously highlighted the benefit of completing a budget. Sticking to it – even better!

In this era of making every dollar go further it can pay to involve your kids in money matters at an early age. Teach them the value of money and how to use it wisely. After all, it could be the parents that benefit the most!

Five key tips are:

1) Encourage responsible spending
2) Reinforce the work/ money connection
3) Saving is important
4) Budgeting makes the big picture a little picture
5) Introduce the concept of debt

To help you avoid becoming a walking ATM, check out our article on raising money savvy kids.

Please get in touch if you want to know more or provide feedback. We would love to hear from you.

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