Do you know your home loan rate? No? Well you’re not alone. In fact one third of Australian home owners don’t know their home loan rate! (source: study by RFi, Australian Mortgage Council)
Yesterday the Reserve Bank announced an even further drop in the cash rate to an all time historical low of just 1.5%.
So with rates at an all time low, and one third of us not even knowing our home loan rate, I’d say it’s pretty safe to say that there are many Australian home owners not taking advantage of these historic interest rate lows.
So why aren’t we? Don’t we want to save money? Don’t we want a home loan with the right features and benefits? Don’t we want our money working for us? Apparently we find money as a topic hard work, and would rather talk about religion or politics than money!
Talking about money doesn’t have to be scary if you engage the services of a mortgage broker who will do the hard yards for you. We get that you don’t like dealing with banks, you hate paperwork and you just don’t have time to be comparing every rate, fee, or feature. That’s why we do all of that for you.
A mortgage broker works for you to find a home loan with the best features and benefits for you and your situation.
Contact us now to organise a chat about your current home loan and whether switching loans is a good alternative for you.
In the meantime feel free to run some numbers through our Loan Comparison Calculator to see how your current rate stacks up (that is if you know it! :)).